The West is sleepwalking into all out Islamism.

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NIMBY and not as long as we have a 2nd amendment

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What is a western democratic society to do when Judeo-Christian majority becomes a Musllm majority? I don't have the answer, but several European countries are struggling with it right now and it isn't pretty.

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Be careful who you Award citizenship to, and who you allow to immigrate into the country

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"Struggling" ... in the case of the UK, Australia, and Canada, it's more like "submitting."

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The numbers are not even remotely close to a majority .

Yet even in small critical percentages they cause massive problems.

Blame the western apologists for ‘ cultural relativism’ . A term I learned the first day in Anthropology 101.

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Excellent warning again, Kelli. It cannot be repeated too often.

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Agree Andre. I will keep saying it. Hopefully people might start listening

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Brilliantly argued as always.

I also find it telling that our elites are quick to tell us that we have no real culture of our own - I grew up in Yorkshire and can confidently say that, in England, the project to deracinate and manipulate the natives has been running at full throttle for decades. Hell, George Orwell noticed it decades before I even drew my first breath. Still, when I was a child at least, there was a groundswell of resistance. You still heard “broad Yorkshire” spoken, and local legends and stories were very much kept alive.

But always denigrating everything English, the “anywhere people” (to borrow from the admirable Paul Kingsnorth) have for years tried to convince us that we have no real identity, that any illusion of such exists only in contrast to other groups or nations. Well, that would’ve come as a huge surprise to my grandparent’s (WW2) generation! As indeed, it did to me. I always felt tied to the East Riding, and especially the Spurn Head peninsula and the ancient, quirky, clannish villages of the western hinterland of Kingston upon Hull.

But as I watched, more and more people swallowed the lie, sweetened by convenience and cushioned by the apparent good days of the late 90s. Finally, I left: there didn’t seem to be much left standing, culturally. Maybe I got it wrong - I hope so - but I doubt that.

So, eventually, I emigrated to New Zealand, arriving some 23 years ago and now assimilated, with two kiwi kids and a partner whom I will ever adore. I have my history and my affiliations and I never forget where I’m *from* - but I am forever conscious of where I’m *at* as well.

Always walk with dignity, courtesy and a healthy dash of humility. I don’t underestimate what we have and - older and wiser now - I won’t let it slip away again.

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Well said Richard. Thank you.

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In 1999 I had a rare opportunity to visit Iran during a period of "liberalization" under President Khatami.

My wife and I stayed at the residence of the Canadian Ambassador in Teheran, but we travelled as well to Esfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Bam (subsequently desroyed by an earthquake), and the eastern region near Afghanistan.

We talked to a cross section of Iranians, including Armenian, Chaldean, and Assyrian Christians. We were invited to a shabbat dinner and spoke with a Jewish family whose ancestors arrived in Iran(Persia) a thousand years ago. Of course, we also met many Shia. A mullah met us at the tomb of Darius the Great about 12 km. from the legendary city of Persepolis, built by Alexander the Great.

Everyone we met, with the exception of the mullah, who wore the tradional black turban, expressed a yearning to have more individual freedom and more contact with westerners like us. This was despite the "liberalization" under Khatami. We also witnessed mass demonstrations for freedom at Teheran University.

Even though Iran today is a totalitarian Islamic theocracy, it is getting harder and harder to repress the population, especially the courageous young women refusing to wear hijab.

For the reasons set out above, I am at least a little optimistic that radical Islam will not dominate the world. If one of the most repressive Islamic regimes shows signs of weakening, then perhaps there are grounds to hope that our western societies will not succumb to radical Islam. Nevertheless,we must not be complacent or try to appease the imams and mullahs who preach in favour of the imposition of Sharia law and the destruction of our liberal democracies.

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I admire your hope. Many people are being murdered in Iran for seeking freedom. It is in the USs interests to support that, but the Obama/Biden administration allowed the regime billions of dollars. The Iranian people are incredibly brave and I hope they achieve their freedom.

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Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire that appears to be one sided in favour of Hamas, after apparent pressure from Trump. There must have been some promise from Trump to Netanyahu that has not been publicly disclosed.

Perhaps, the promise was for the U.S. to supply Israel with support to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities at Natanz and Fordow. Israel lacks the Massive Ordinance Penetrators ( 30,000 pound bombs - bunker busters) and the huge B2 or B52 bombers necessary to carry them. The U.S. could supply these to Israel or, less likely, operate their own aircraft to destroy the nuclear facilities.

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Well Trump has released all the weapons. I just think Israel will get as many hostages back as possible yet can then finish the job.

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No, not all cultures are equal.

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And yet folks still say we should be more worried about Christian fundamentalists 🤦‍♀️

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You mean like the Amish? 🤭

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Haha yes! So many mowed down with their buggys!!

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I have many problems with this, but I do note that it’s not too late for the USA to resist the threat of Islam. Western Europe is far more infected. In the USA we do have 2 radical Muslim congresswomen: ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib while Tlaib is a natural citizen, Omar is naturalized and can be deported for fraud she committed on arrival in the country. Tlaib can only be voted out of office, unless she commits an impeachable offense, which is not far fetched. After all, she’s not a defender of our constitution. We do have “no go zones” in states such as Michigan, but nothing like cities in Great Britain. Not to mention we still have free speech platforms and can’t be imprisoned for criticizing Islam which claims to be a religion, and is practiced by such diverse populations it cannot be considered a race there is nothing racist about the assertion that Islam is a religion of violence, hate and misogyny. Despite what the liar in chief, Barack Obama, kept telling the people after every terrorist attack. The intelligent among us paid no attention to him. and instead believed our lying eyes.

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Excellent article. I will just add that in 2070 our kids and grandkids will either be murdered or forced to convert. 😞

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Islam is an enemy of individual liberty.

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Intelligent clear and insightful as always Kelli, thank you

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Thank you Karen.

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Excellent as always. Sharing.

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Thank you April.

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I’m currently reading Douglas Murray’s “The Strange Death of Europe”. It gives chapter and verse to your thesis, and is totally convincing. The bad news is that you’re absolutely right; the good news is that you -we -are not alone!

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Agreed and thank you for shouting it from the rooftops 💜 My only disagreement is that it’s not an undeclared war. Muhammad declared war on all unbelievers 14 centuries ago, and his followers have made the same declarations over and over again since then. They have never stopped being at war with us, we just won the technology race and stopped taking a near-powerless Islam seriously after the Industrial Revolution and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Our civilization willfully disconnected from our history, leaving almost no trace of the 14 centuries of war and brutal slaving by the Muslims. So now they are winning the information war in part because our citizens are not taught any real history.

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Great essay. Every British politician (and a great many others in Britain for that matter) should be made to read it.

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