We are all in the grips of a religious war. The sooner we understand this, the greater chance we have to avert what may be one of the most significant civilisation upheavals since the birth of Jesus Christ.
Whether you like it or not, if you live in a European or Western country, then you are likely living under Judeo-Christian values and principles. These values refer to a set of moral and ethical principles derived from Jewish and Christian traditions that have shaped Western civilisation. Moral absolutes, such as the sanctity of life, justice, compassion, and personal responsibility have become so ingrained in our mode of existence that we mistakenly think they are part of a perpetual status quo.

These central ideas have provided the moral foundation for modern society. Ideas such as the sanctity of the union between partners, family values, peace, dignity and equality have become the cornerstones of our morality and societal structures and institutions. They have influenced our legal systems, social norms and human rights movements, emphasising the importance of justice, truth and mercy.
And whether you are religious or not, everyone benefits from a society that upholds the values of individual freedom, equality, dignity and respect. No system is perfect of course, and we could definitely benefit from a more even distribution of wealth, access to quality healthcare, quality eduction and more. But the truth us, democracy and free speech has allowed us to iron out many societal problems in the West. We have survived and progressed through movements of civil rights, women’s rights, abolishment of slavery, gay rights and more.
There is no doubt that for decades if not centuries, the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand have enjoyed a preferred quality of life due to a combination of economic prosperity, strong social institutions, and high levels of personal freedom. So much so that millions of people from other not so democratic or free countries, have sought refuge in the West — to enjoy the spoils of our living conditions.
Herein lies the problem. We have grown so accustomed to our values that we mistakenly assume the rest of the world shares them. But in reality, these values stand in stark contrast to the belief system of Islam — the fastest-growing religion in the world.
According to the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) data compiled up to 2019, there have been over 182,000 terrorist incidents globally since 1970.1 We only need to look at the strategy of Hamas and their ensuing propaganda campaign to see that the use of terror and information warfare to achieve political power through public sentiment is the new highly effective tactic employed in the undeclared war on civilisation.
“Not all Muslims,” the progressives like to say. But research tells us otherwise.
Pew research indicates that the majority of Muslims worldwide support Sharia Law. In countries such as Pakistan and Jordan, 81 per cent of men believe that Sharia is the revealed word of God, while in South Asia, high percentages in all the countries surveyed support making sharia the official law, including nearly universal support among Muslims in Afghanistan, and over 80 per cent in both Pakistan and Bangladesh also hold this view.2
“There will come a time when we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of a lack of decision making and trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the Middle East and they know Islam and know the others far better than we do. I’m sorry but that is pure ignorance.” — Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed
Projections of future world population are based on assumptions on future mortality, fertility, migration, and other factors. And based on our best estimates, if we don’t do something, we are looking at a worldwide Muslim Caliphate by 2070. The population shifts over the course of the 21st century are going to have profound geopolitical implications. Declining birthrates in developed countries have sparked historical migrations, which is now placing extraordinary pressures on existing socio-political systems—pressures that exceed their capacity to absorb.
So what are the significant changes that we can expect once Sharia come to town? Well we can expect that judicial law comes secondary to religious law. All positions of power and influence will be held by men. We can expect a return to tribalism and religious intolerance. And women will be expected to be modest, covered and their behaviour will be heavily regulated. In short, men will have all the power, and the women will be at home bearing children.
Under Sharia law, there will likely be strict punishments for certain crimes, known as hudud offences, such as theft, apostasy, adultery, and alcohol consumption. Punishments would include stoning, flogging, amputation, or execution, depending on the offence. A man will have the unilateral right to divorce his wife by pronouncing "talaq" (divorce) three times. Women however, would be required to appeal to the Sharia court — made up of men — who will determine her fate.
And if you think these scenarios are fantastical and could never happen in our country, all you need to do is look to Iran. For nearly 40 years up until 1979, Iran had been ruled by the pro-Western Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who encouraged women to get and education, expanded women’s rights and banned the hijab, before the Islamic revolution ripped through the country with false promises of reform, social justice and sovereignty.3 For the past 46 years, Iranians have been held hostage in their own country under extremist Islamic rule.
The Iranian Revolution is often seen as one of the most destabilising geopolitical events of the 20th century. It replaced a pro-Western monarchy with an oppressive theocratic regime, leading to decades of authoritarian rule, regional conflict, and the suppression of political and social freedoms.
Iran has been the litmus test, to see how the world would react to the over taking of an entire nation. And the test results have been catastrophic.
While the West napped with a full belly, drunk on democratic freedom, millions of Islamists in the Middle East have been slowly but effectively via mass immigration and high birth rates, insinuating themselves into our societies. And to add salt to our self inflicted wound, we have protected then and infantilised them, silencing any criticism or even comment, under the guise of diversity, equity and inclusion.

And how has the West reacted to the close to 90 million people of Iran being oppressed under a brutal theocratic regime? Well the Biden administration has facilitated Iran's access to around $16 billion in previously frozen assets. This includes a $6 billion transfer from South Korea in September 2023 as part of a prisoner exchange agreement. Additionally, in November 2023, the administration granted the release of up to $10 billion in Iranian funds previously blocked by U.S. sanctions.4
The idea that 16 billion dollars and a handshake will urge the Islamic Regime of Iran not to develop nuclear weapons or spend the billions on humanitarian aid is farcical. Iran, along with Qatar are the largest financial investors in Islamic terrorism worldwide. The Biden administration, in my opinion, has committed a grievous error, one that could have far reaching implications.
It is believed that Iran has already successfully enriched uranium up to 60 per cent purity, which is close to weapons-grade (90%)5, though it has not officially produced nuclear weapons — yet.

Its time for the world to understand that we are not all created equal. We need to get honest, with ourselves and with each other. Many of our neighbours do not have good intentions. Dismiss this as ‘alarmist’ at your peril.
Parents that teach their children to hate Jews, Christians or Americans, or encourage them to become a ‘shahid’ can have no place in civilised society. Family values that allow patriarchal inequalities where a man can take multiple wives, beat them if he wishes, imprison them in the home and she has to obey and submit, can have no place in Western society. This is not racism, its realism. It is acknowledging the fundamental differences between Middle Eastern culture and Western and European cultures and accepting that the basic ideology of Islam motivates the conversion and subjugation of the world to the yoke of Islam.
If you have no problem with this, carry on as you are.
The West is sleepwalking into all out Islamism.
What is a western democratic society to do when Judeo-Christian majority becomes a Musllm majority? I don't have the answer, but several European countries are struggling with it right now and it isn't pretty.